Now this will be a slightly different post today, because you see last Tuesday - the 22nd January 2013, was Georgia Addison Everett's 16th birthday. Now you may not know this girl, or you may do, but either way I've happened to become rather fond on this girl over the last year and a half, and if, by the end of this blog, I can make you feel like you could have even a fraction of the love I have for this girl, then I would consider my work done and my life made!
Although I probably should be working right now, like most of us these days, I could procrastinate for England, so putting my time into making a birthday blog post for my best friend, instead of doing sod all in the time I should be revising, seemed like a pretty good option!
So, lets go back to the very, very beginning - all the way back to about 2003, at Brennan School of dance in Bromham, Bedfordshire...