'talk to the wind, talk to the sky, talk to the man with the reasons why... let me know what you find. I'll leave my window open, 'coz I'm to tired at night to call your name. just know I'm right here hoping... that you'll come in with the rain'ahhh listening to that song now... Am I a little bit crazy? obsessive? Yeah I know :// but anyway, if you've read my other posts you'll know I'm soppy and you can't be soppy and not love Taylor swift! We all have dreams in life... And I believe that the dreams we have are all set around seeing what other people have done and being influenced by them. I started guitar in January, and before you come to any conclusions, it wasn't necessarily because of Taylor. it is something I've always wanted to do since i was little. 2 things I've always wanted to be able to do - street dance, and sing whilst playing the guitar. well i know for sure I'll never be able to street dance, so that'll remain a dream for all time. but I could already sing half-well, so i thought, why not complete the duo? if that makes sense :S now one of my dreams is to only be good enough and successful enough on that to meet miss swifty - or just somehow meet her any other way, like becoming a photographer and have to photograph her for her new album or something... that would be cool....
so you get the picture Taylor Swift's amazing and she can get any girl through any problem that ever comes around. i love her, you should too :)
p.s. sorry about my over-emotional post the other day, got a bit carried away... but hey, it's my blog, I can write what I like :) that one was a bit embarrassing though...
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