Sunday, 28 October 2012

The deep pit of doom called Love...

So I've fallen head over heals into the category I've always been trying to fight against being in. The one category that I look down on and try to get my friends out of. A smitten, love-obsessed teenager.

I've just written 3 whole pages in my diary describing every detail of his existence,
and I still had loads more I could have written down - I had to stop myself in case I plunged into being even more of the stereotypical love-stuck girl that I see everywhere and despise of.
I would've looked back at it in a year's time and thrown up at the ridiculousness of my word vomit.
But like any young girl who's never really been in love, I wonder whether this is actually what love feels like or not. Would I definitely know if it was? Or do I have to choose when a feeling towards someone becomes strong enough to be called love? Well in my position in particular, I have to admit, as much as I find myself thinking of him at random, unrelated points in the day and smiling, and having the time of the day that I see him being the time I look forward to the most, I know it's not love... yet. I just love his smile. I love how he's actually a bit of a geek - OK, a lot of a geek, but whilst still being totally and utterly gorgeous. And real. No gimmicks. No confident, pretty front-man just to cover-up an empty, boring, mainstream lad underneath that's just like all the rest. Yeah, he's not perfect, but who is?
But I'll try as i might not to be just like all those typical teenage girls who are 'in love' with one guy one minute, the next their crying that he's been a prick, and the one after that, they've completely forgotten about him and are all smitten with their next lad-in-line. Yeah, I'm definitely not going to turn out like that - this is definitely not where this is going. But then again I don't know where it is going. Only time will tell, as they say...

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